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كتاب Introducing Plato لgroup of authors

تحميل كتاب Introducing Plato PDF

المؤلف : group of authors
التصنيف : كتب منوعة
سنة النشر : غير محدد
عدد الصفحات : 177
عن الكتاب : Introducing Plato by group of authors..Introducing Plato begins by explaining how philosophers like Socrates and Pythagoras influenced Plato's thought. It provides a clear account of Plato's puzzling theory of knowledge, and explains how this theory then directed his provocative views on politics, ethics and individual liberty.

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كتاب Introducing Plato

Introducing Plato by group of authors..Introducing Plato begins by explaining how philosophers like Socrates and Pythagoras influenced Plato's thought. It provides a clear account of Plato's puzzling theory of knowledge, and explains how this theory then directed his provocative views on politics, ethics and individual liberty.

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