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كتاب ISlAM AND WESTERN SOCIETY لMaryam Jameelah


المؤلف : Maryam Jameelah
التصنيف : كتب منوعة
سنة النشر : 1990
عدد الصفحات : غير محدد
عن الكتاب : 1990م - 1443هـ This collection of ten essays, written between October 1971 and August 1975, is intended for the English-speaking, modem-educated Muslim in Muslim lands specifically and for the intelligentsia in Asia and Africa generally, in order to warn them of the fatal pitfa11s of modernization; that to copy the West blindly and uncritically in everything does not provide any remedy for the social problems of the so-called '~under-developed," "poor" countries of the East but rather wilJ only aggravate the predicament in which they now find themselves in addition to creating numerous new troubles exported by the West under the slogan of "modernity." Since in these chapters, there is much overlapping of the various aspects of the same subject dealt with here, repetition could not be avoided. I only hope that the effect of this repetition on the reader will serve the purpose of emphasis rather than monotony. The author does not think it sufficient merely to denounce westemism as evil and inimical to the spirit of the Islamic faith and its ~torical culture. Rather she feels that such condemnation will have no effect on the educated reader until the all-embracing evil of contemporary life in every aspect is thoroughly exposed in careful detail . by quoting at length from Western sources. Thus the reader will not conclude that the views of the author are merely the result of her personal prejudices and narrow-mindedness but X will instead gain insight into what is wrong with the modern way of life as related by recognized Western authorities in their own words. .



1990م - 1443هـ This collection of ten essays, written between October 1971 and August 1975, is intended for the English-speaking, modem-educated Muslim in Muslim lands specifically and for the intelligentsia in Asia and Africa generally, in order to warn them of the fatal pitfa11s of modernization; that to copy the West blindly and uncritically in everything does not provide any remedy for the social problems of the so-called '~under-developed," "poor" countries of the East but rather wilJ only aggravate the predicament in which they now find themselves in addition to creating numerous new troubles exported by the West under the slogan of "modernity." Since in these chapters, there is much overlapping of the various aspects of the same subject dealt with here, repetition could not be avoided. I only hope that the effect of this repetition on the reader will serve the purpose of emphasis rather than monotony. The author does not think it sufficient merely to denounce westemism as evil and inimical to the spirit of the Islamic faith and its ~torical culture. Rather she feels that such condemnation will have no effect on the educated reader until the all-embracing evil of contemporary life in every aspect is thoroughly exposed in careful detail . by quoting at length from Western sources. Thus the reader will not conclude that the views of the author are merely the result of her personal prejudices and narrow-mindedness but X will instead gain insight into what is wrong with the modern way of life as related by recognized Western authorities in their own words. .

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