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كتاب Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief لJordan B. Peterson

تحميل كتاب Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief PDF

المؤلف : Jordan B. Peterson
التصنيف : كتب الفلسفة
الفئة : فكر فلسفي
سنة النشر : غير محدد
عدد الصفحات : 564
عن الكتاب : Why have people from different cultures and eras formulated myths and stories with similar structures? What does this similarity tell us about the mind, morality,

نبذة عن كتاب Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief

كتاب Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief

Why have people from different cultures and eras formulated myths and stories with similar structures? What does this similarity tell us about the mind, morality,

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