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كتاب Translation Getting it Right لكاتب غير محدد

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التصنيف : كتب منوعة
سنة النشر : 2015
عدد الصفحات : غير محدد
عن الكتاب : 2015م - 1443هـ Translation Getting it Right If you’re not a linguist yourself, buying translations can be frustrating. The suggestions in this guide are aimed at reducing stress and helping you get the most out of your translation budget. Q: Translation, interpreting — what’s the difference? A: Translators write; interpreters speak. If you’re working with written documents — a user manual for your German customers, billboards for a sales campaign in Argentina, reports filed in Chinese by your new subsidiary in Shanghai that you must read and understand — you need a translator. If you want to interact with people in a foreign language on the spot — a lab tour with Mexican visitors, a board meeting in Japan, a parents’ evening with a family recently arrived from Romania — you need an interpreter. .

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كتاب Translation Getting it Right

2015م - 1443هـ Translation Getting it Right If you’re not a linguist yourself, buying translations can be frustrating. The suggestions in this guide are aimed at reducing stress and helping you get the most out of your translation budget. Q: Translation, interpreting — what’s the difference? A: Translators write; interpreters speak. If you’re working with written documents — a user manual for your German customers, billboards for a sales campaign in Argentina, reports filed in Chinese by your new subsidiary in Shanghai that you must read and understand — you need a translator. If you want to interact with people in a foreign language on the spot — a lab tour with Mexican visitors, a board meeting in Japan, a parents’ evening with a family recently arrived from Romania — you need an interpreter. .

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