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المؤلف : غير محدد
سنة النشر : غير محدد
عدد الصفحات : غير محدد
عن الكتاب : تنفيذ محطة مترو انفاق Think Deep: Planning, development and use of underground space in cities Think Deep: Planning, development and use of underground space in cities Copyright 2015 © International Society of City and Regional Planners and International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association. All rights reserved. This publication is part of the ongoing co-operation between ISOCARP and ITA/ ITACUS. This project was managed by ISOCARP and financed by ITA. All contributors are members of ISOCARP. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Authorship Responsibility: the original author is responsible for the content of the manuscript. Editors Han Admiraal , ITACUS Shipra Narang Suri , ISOCARP Coordinator Gaby Kurth , ISOCARP Designer Ricardo Moura, Portugal www.ricardomoura.pt ISBN 978-94-90354-34-3 Cover: Naples underground cavities map Copyright 2015 © Vincenzo De Stefano, Valerio Di Pinto, Carlo Gerundo Printed in the Netherlands by Drukkerij Aktief, Pijnacker Foreword Shipra Narang Suri, ISoCArP Vice President Han Admiraal, ITACUS Chair PlANNINg F or UNdergroUNd SPACeS “NY-loN” UNdergroUNd elizabeth r eynolds Paul r eynold NAPleS ANd ITS PArAllel CITY Vincenzo de Stefano Valerio di Pinto Carlo gerundo NeTworkINg UNdergroUNd ArCHAeologICAl ANd CUl TUrAl SITeS: THe CASe oF THe A THeNS MeTro Marilena Papageorgiou UNdergroUNd ANd CAVerN SPACe deVeloPMeNT IN HoNg k oNg liang Huew w ANg THe UTIlIzATIoN oF UNdergroUNd SPACe PlANNINg IN TIANjIN (CHINA) CeNTrAl CITY (2013-2020) Shi w ujun Xiao Yu gong Yuan zhao guang ISOCARP · ThInk DeeP : PlAnnIng, Devel OP menT AnD uSe Of unDeR gROunD SPACe In CITIeS 4 5 FORE wORD conclusions. The fifth case study looks into how underground space planning has been utilised in the Chinese city of Tianjin. Five case studies undertaken by planners, urban designers and architects. Five case studies that intend to show the richness of underground space. Five case studies that start to give some in- sights into the possibilities but also the impediments of under - ground space use. If all the case studies illustrate one point, it is that the use of urban underground space is very much situational and often restricted not just by geology or underground ecology, but equally by legislation that never considered the possibility of large-scale subsurface development and use. One overriding consideration seems to surface from all case studies, and that is the need to plan. without a vision on the use of urban under - ground space, without planning and without a strategy for man- aging the use of this vast spatial asset, all developments will be based on ‘first come, first served’. This will lead to spatial conges- tion and competition between resources. Many cities are already developing large energy schemes by driving vertical pipes into the underground. whether these are making future horizontal alignments of transport solutions impossible, just for example, is often not even being considered. A contemporary of Hénard was George webster, Chief Engineer and Surveyor of Philadelphia, USA who in 1914 wrote about the necessity to plan the layout of what he called “the subterranean street” 2 . webster was concerned with the placement of utilities in the subsurface and chaos arising if not planned. But his vision went further, like Hénard he saw a future for underground space. Hénard and webster were followed by French architect Édouard Utudjian who famously wrote 3 : ‘ It is necessary that the urban plan- ner thinks deep and that underground development of cities is done not through random necessities, but according to a definite commit- ment, legislation and a predetermined plan. ’ This joint publication by ISOCARP and ITACUS hopes to stimu- late some innovative thinking on the use of underground space. we urge planning practitioners not only to consider the possibili- ties, but also to think deep and to make underground space part of the planning of our future cities. In doing so, we reaffirm that the time has come for new planning paradigms as we are transi- tioning to a new era in which our cities will continue to play an evermore important role for people; cities of the future, which are resilient, inclusive and above all liveable. Shipra Narang Suri, ISOCARP Vice President Han Admiraal, ITACUS Chair 2 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, .

نبذة عن كتاب Think Deep Planning development and use of underground space in cities

كتاب Think Deep Planning development and use of underground space in cities

تنفيذ محطة مترو انفاق Think Deep: Planning, development and use of underground space in cities Think Deep: Planning, development and use of underground space in cities Copyright 2015 © International Society of City and Regional Planners and International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association. All rights reserved. This publication is part of the ongoing co-operation between ISOCARP and ITA/ ITACUS. This project was managed by ISOCARP and financed by ITA. All contributors are members of ISOCARP. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Publisher. Authorship Responsibility: the original author is responsible for the content of the manuscript. Editors Han Admiraal , ITACUS Shipra Narang Suri , ISOCARP Coordinator Gaby Kurth , ISOCARP Designer Ricardo Moura, Portugal www.ricardomoura.pt ISBN 978-94-90354-34-3 Cover: Naples underground cavities map Copyright 2015 © Vincenzo De Stefano, Valerio Di Pinto, Carlo Gerundo Printed in the Netherlands by Drukkerij Aktief, Pijnacker Foreword Shipra Narang Suri, ISoCArP Vice President Han Admiraal, ITACUS Chair PlANNINg F or UNdergroUNd SPACeS “NY-loN” UNdergroUNd elizabeth r eynolds Paul r eynold NAPleS ANd ITS PArAllel CITY Vincenzo de Stefano Valerio di Pinto Carlo gerundo NeTworkINg UNdergroUNd ArCHAeologICAl ANd CUl TUrAl SITeS: THe CASe oF THe A THeNS MeTro Marilena Papageorgiou UNdergroUNd ANd CAVerN SPACe deVeloPMeNT IN HoNg k oNg liang Huew w ANg THe UTIlIzATIoN oF UNdergroUNd SPACe PlANNINg IN TIANjIN (CHINA) CeNTrAl CITY (2013-2020) Shi w ujun Xiao Yu gong Yuan zhao guang ISOCARP · ThInk DeeP : PlAnnIng, Devel OP menT AnD uSe Of unDeR gROunD SPACe In CITIeS 4 5 FORE wORD conclusions. The fifth case study looks into how underground space planning has been utilised in the Chinese city of Tianjin. Five case studies undertaken by planners, urban designers and architects. Five case studies that intend to show the richness of underground space. Five case studies that start to give some in- sights into the possibilities but also the impediments of under - ground space use. If all the case studies illustrate one point, it is that the use of urban underground space is very much situational and often restricted not just by geology or underground ecology, but equally by legislation that never considered the possibility of large-scale subsurface development and use. One overriding consideration seems to surface from all case studies, and that is the need to plan. without a vision on the use of urban under - ground space, without planning and without a strategy for man- aging the use of this vast spatial asset, all developments will be based on ‘first come, first served’. This will lead to spatial conges- tion and competition between resources. Many cities are already developing large energy schemes by driving vertical pipes into the underground. whether these are making future horizontal alignments of transport solutions impossible, just for example, is often not even being considered. A contemporary of Hénard was George webster, Chief Engineer and Surveyor of Philadelphia, USA who in 1914 wrote about the necessity to plan the layout of what he called “the subterranean street” 2 . webster was concerned with the placement of utilities in the subsurface and chaos arising if not planned. But his vision went further, like Hénard he saw a future for underground space. Hénard and webster were followed by French architect Édouard Utudjian who famously wrote 3 : ‘ It is necessary that the urban plan- ner thinks deep and that underground development of cities is done not through random necessities, but according to a definite commit- ment, legislation and a predetermined plan. ’ This joint publication by ISOCARP and ITACUS hopes to stimu- late some innovative thinking on the use of underground space. we urge planning practitioners not only to consider the possibili- ties, but also to think deep and to make underground space part of the planning of our future cities. In doing so, we reaffirm that the time has come for new planning paradigms as we are transi- tioning to a new era in which our cities will continue to play an evermore important role for people; cities of the future, which are resilient, inclusive and above all liveable. Shipra Narang Suri, ISOCARP Vice President Han Admiraal, ITACUS Chair 2 Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, .

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