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كتاب Experiments with Term Translation
2011م - 1443هـ Experiments with Term Translation Our research on the translation of ontology vocabularies is motivated by the challenge of translating domain-specific terms with restricted or no additional textual context that in other cases may be used to improve the translation. For our experiment we started by translating financial terms with the baseline systems trained on the JRC-Acquis (Steinberger et al., 2006) corpus and the European Central Bank Corpus (Tiedemann, 2009). Although both resources contain a large amount of parallel data, the translations were not satisfactory. To improve the translations of the financial ontology vocabulary we built a new parallel resource, which was generated using Linguee, an online translation query service. With this data, we could train a small model, which produced better translations than the baseline model using only general resources. Since the manual development of terminological resources is a time intensive and expensive task, we used Wikipedia as a background knowledge base and examined the articles tagged with domainspecific categories. With this extracted domain-specific data we built a specialised English-German lexicon to store translations of domain-specific terms. These terms were then used in a pre-processing method in the decoding approach. This approach incorporates the work by (Aggarwal et al., 2011), where the authors use the ontology structure to calculate the similarity between the labels. They combine the semantic, terminological and linguistic information for monolingual ontology matching, which can be extended to the multilingual scenario. We split the financial terms into n-grams and queried for financial sub-terms in Wikipedia, which we used to query Wikipedia. .هذا الكتاب من تأليف كاتب غير محدد و حقوق الكتاب محفوظة لصاحبها
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