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كتاب Enterotoxemia in a Cow due to Clostridium perfringens Type A
Abstract: Enterotoxemia was diagnosed in a 3-year-old cow that died suddenly. Lesions of hemorrhagic enteritis were seen in the small intestine during necropsy. Lethal alpha toxin of Clostridium perfringens was detected in the intestinal contents by toxin neutralization test. C. perfringens type A was isolated from the intestinal contents and typed by multiplex PCR. Enterotoxemia should be considered as a cause of sudden death in cattle in Turkey. Key Words: Enterotoxemia, Clostridium perfringens type A, cattle, enteritis Bir ‹nekte Clostridium perfringens Tip A’dan Kaynaklanan Enterotoksemi Olgusu Özet: Bu çalıflmada 3 yaflında aniden ölen bir inekte enterotoksemi teflhis edildi. Nekropside ince ba¤ırsaklarda hemorajik enteritis tablosu görüldü. ‹nce ba¤ırsak içeri¤inde Clostridium perfringens’in öldürücü alfa toksini saptandı. Etken multiplex PCR ile C. perfringens type A olarak tiplendirildi. Türkiye’de sı¤ırlarda görülen ani ölüm olgularında enterotoksemi hastalı¤ı göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır. Anahtar Sözcükler: Enterotoksemi, Clostridium perfringens tip A, sı¤ır, enteritis .هذا الكتاب من تأليف غير محدد و حقوق الكتاب محفوظة لصاحبها
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