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كتاب A Tree Grows in Brooklyn لBetty Smith

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المؤلف : Betty Smith
التصنيف : كتب منوعة
سنة النشر : 1943
عدد الصفحات : غير محدد
عن الكتاب : 1943م - 1443هـ A Tree Grows in Brooklyn A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is an American classic. When it first appeared in 1943 it was an immediate bestseller and has since become an icon of our cultural consciousness, a symbol of the American Dream. Even now echoes of the title are heard in newspaper headlines across the country; many people remember the story of Francie, who grew, like the tree, in the tenements of Williamsburg. Nevertheless, so little is known about the author that she is included in an anthology of Irish American writers even though she is of German descent. Betty Smith was an anomaly: as a member of the working-class and a woman, she became a major figure in the literary life of the 1940s. .

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كتاب A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

1943م - 1443هـ A Tree Grows in Brooklyn A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is an American classic. When it first appeared in 1943 it was an immediate bestseller and has since become an icon of our cultural consciousness, a symbol of the American Dream. Even now echoes of the title are heard in newspaper headlines across the country; many people remember the story of Francie, who grew, like the tree, in the tenements of Williamsburg. Nevertheless, so little is known about the author that she is included in an anthology of Irish American writers even though she is of German descent. Betty Smith was an anomaly: as a member of the working-class and a woman, she became a major figure in the literary life of the 1940s. .

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