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كتاب مقدمة في التحليل الألي Introduction to Instrumental Analysis لغير محدد

تحميل كتاب مقدمة في التحليل الألي Introduction to Instrumental Analysis PDF

المؤلف : غير محدد
الفئة : كتب علمية
سنة النشر : غير محدد
عدد الصفحات : غير محدد
عن الكتاب : hope that you will enjoy this practical course because you will see each experiment as a challenge to you to obtain results which are in accord with the theory and because you will experience and overcome the problems of doing accurate analysis first-hand. We have tried to make the experiments as relevant and interesting as possible yet still teach you something about the technique. It is hoped that in this set of practicals that you will learn something about the practical skills of doing an analytical exercise. You will soon see that theory and the practical skills go hand in hand. We hope you are able to see that the practicals are an integral part of the learning process and that both the theory and the practical components support one another. .

نبذة عن كتاب مقدمة في التحليل الألي Introduction to Instrumental Analysis

كتاب مقدمة في التحليل الألي Introduction to Instrumental Analysis

hope that you will enjoy this practical course because you will see each experiment as a challenge to you to obtain results which are in accord with the theory and because you will experience and overcome the problems of doing accurate analysis first-hand. We have tried to make the experiments as relevant and interesting as possible yet still teach you something about the technique. It is hoped that in this set of practicals that you will learn something about the practical skills of doing an analytical exercise. You will soon see that theory and the practical skills go hand in hand. We hope you are able to see that the practicals are an integral part of the learning process and that both the theory and the practical components support one another. .

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