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كتاب Rebecca لDaphne Du Maurier

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المؤلف : Daphne Du Maurier
سنة النشر : 1938
عدد الصفحات : غير محدد
عن الكتاب : 1938م - 1443هـ Rebecca I was born on May 13th, 1907, into a world of make-believe and imagination,’ wrote Daphne du Maurier. Her father was Sir Gerald du Maurier, the leading actor and manager at Wyndham’s Theatre in London. Her mother, Muriel, was an actress and her grandfather, George du Maurier, was an artist and writer. So Daphne and her two sisters grew up in a world of writers and actors. She was educated at home, apart firam six months spent in France when she was eighteen, and she read widely in English and French. Her first poems and stories were written while she was still a child.‘Books became my life ... from the start I was always pretending to be someone else in a story’ .

نبذة عن كتاب Rebecca

كتاب Rebecca

1938م - 1443هـ Rebecca I was born on May 13th, 1907, into a world of make-believe and imagination,’ wrote Daphne du Maurier. Her father was Sir Gerald du Maurier, the leading actor and manager at Wyndham’s Theatre in London. Her mother, Muriel, was an actress and her grandfather, George du Maurier, was an artist and writer. So Daphne and her two sisters grew up in a world of writers and actors. She was educated at home, apart firam six months spent in France when she was eighteen, and she read widely in English and French. Her first poems and stories were written while she was still a child.‘Books became my life ... from the start I was always pretending to be someone else in a story’ .

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