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كتاب Academic Writing لStephen Bailey

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المؤلف : Stephen Bailey
سنة النشر : 2011
عدد الصفحات : غير محدد
عن الكتاب : 2011م - 1443هـ Academic Writing This book is designed to help you succeed in the writing tasks you may be given as part of your academic course. The kind of writing that you are asked to do may be different from the assignments you have done before, and for some this may be the first time you have had to write long essays or reports in English. Your teachers know that English is not your native language and will be sympathetic to the problems you have in your writing. But at the same time you will want to learn to write as clearly and accurately as possible, not only to succeed on your current course but also in preparation for your career. Almost all large companies and organisations expect their staff to be able to communicate effectively in written English, as well as orally. Therefore, during your studies you have the ideal opportunity to learn to write English well, and this book can help you achieve that goal. .

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كتاب Academic Writing

2011م - 1443هـ Academic Writing This book is designed to help you succeed in the writing tasks you may be given as part of your academic course. The kind of writing that you are asked to do may be different from the assignments you have done before, and for some this may be the first time you have had to write long essays or reports in English. Your teachers know that English is not your native language and will be sympathetic to the problems you have in your writing. But at the same time you will want to learn to write as clearly and accurately as possible, not only to succeed on your current course but also in preparation for your career. Almost all large companies and organisations expect their staff to be able to communicate effectively in written English, as well as orally. Therefore, during your studies you have the ideal opportunity to learn to write English well, and this book can help you achieve that goal. .

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