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كتاب A Text book of radiology
through the stricture in a streaın so narrow that its shadow had to be slightly accentuated on the original plate so as to remain visible in this reproduction. Note how the. Cesophagus is dilated above the stricture, from repeated efforts to force the food through the obstruction. Frontispiece. A Two-Volume reference on the scientific basis and clinical practice of radiology, this new edition has been thoroughly revised and up-dated with the latest technologies and modalities in the field. The book is organized by body system and incorporates an integrated, multi-modality approach to radiological diagnosis. The emphasis in on the clinical effectiveness of contemporary imaging practice. The text is supported with abundant high-quality illustrations. Comprehensive overview of contemporary radiological practice Emphasises a multi-modality approach to diagnosis Highly selective and current list of references for further investigation Abundant illustrations (almost 5,000 radiological images as well as many graphs and tables) clarify and enhance the text whenever appropriate Increased coverage of mammography, radiology imaging of trauma, transplantation and oncology All chapters thoroughly revised, deleting obsolete techniques Approximately 30% of the illustrations are brand new Highlights the latest technical advances in CT, MR, Ultrasound and radionuclide agents .هذا الكتاب من تأليف ليس له مؤلف و حقوق الكتاب محفوظة لصاحبها
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